Keywords:Zhangdian website construction , Zhang shop website production , Zhang store website promotion,Zhangdian website optimization,Zhang store website designZhang store build websiteZhang shop Taobao decoration
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Welcome to Yitai Information, we can provide you with one-stop network information service solutions!Do website, do optimization, do promotion, do design, do planning, do wechat, do cctv advertising, do software......Just look for Zibo Yitai!
  • Website construction

    Creativity + Design + maintenance

    Enterprise station construction

  • Baidu optimization

    Bidding + package year + natural ranking

    Baidu promotion

  • 云网客

    Three days home, free test

    Cloud net customer (Baidu news source)

  • Google - Keyword promotion

    Bidding + package year + natural ranking

    Google Google Promotion

  • 400电话

    Enterprise switchboard, unique number

    National toll-free service number

  • Basic service

    Domain name + cloud host + Post office

    Network infrastructure service

  • Mobile application

    Mobile website + wechat + mobile search


Create your own website and start your Internet + era

What is your need for the website?Etai can provide you with one-stop service

  • Standard website

    Tailored to meet the individual needs of users Let users fully understand the design and function of the website, for enterprises, governments, institutions and so on to provide a truly new concept of website creativity, web design services。

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  • Marketing website

    In one step, let customers in need find you Let the enterprise quickly and efficiently display in front of the majority of customers, bring more potential customers for the enterprise, and enhance the exposure and brand influence of the enterprise。

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  • Optimized website

    An integrated marketing system targeting search engine rankings For search engine optimization, integration of corporate websites, mobile websites, wechat marketing, line network platform, data statistics one-stop service platform。

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Make your website rank higher by SEO of Baidu and Google natural ranking

SEO means search engine optimization in Chinese。By summarizing the ranking rules of search engines, the website is reasonably optimized

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Tailored to meet the individual needs of users The main purpose is to increase the keyword ranking of specific keywords, so that customers can quickly find the enterprise, improve the exposure of enterprise products and brands, and improve the conversion rate...

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  • Baidu optimization ranking

    In one step, let customers in need find you To the left of Baidu
    Natural Rankings Do SEO to get your site ranked
    It's more likely to be found by search engines

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  • Google Optimized ranking

    An integrated marketing system targeting search engine rankings  By Google natural ranking
    Do SEO to get your site ranked
     It's more likely to be found by search engines

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Cloud network guest keywords three days home page, free test effect

Through Baidu news source and Baidu snapshot, quickly achieve information ranking, unlimited keyword publishing system。Keywords quickly impact search engine home!Click experience

Google Google Promotion: Bidding mode + package year mode + natural ranking

Google Google keyword promotion, traditional bidding model Google AdWords + keyword package year model + SEO natural ranking

  • Bidding model

    Google ads are also called Google AdWords Google's AdWords keyword advertising has become a worldwide use of Internet marketing products, it is located on the right side of the Google Web search results page or above, in a prominent position。

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  • Contract year model

    Specify keywords that appear in the bid AD space It is located on the right or top of the Google Web search results page and also appears in the bidding position
    关键是:每个关键词都是包年的!!! 不必担心费用会被点完。

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  • Google Optimized ranking

    The snapshot ranking is realized by manual optimization Make your site more highly ranked and easier to find by search engines by SEO on Google Natural Rankings。

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400 phone, national toll-free service phone, enterprise switchboard, unique number

400 phone charges are shared between the enterprise and the user who dials the 400 phone, and the user does not need to pay long-distance charges, which reflects the service awareness of the enterprise user first, and is also a symbol of the credibility and strength of the enterprise。

  • 400 Telephone introduction

    The 400 phone is a 10-digit virtual number The 400 phone is a kind of payphone service。400 service, also known as "National unified access code service", is a 10-digit national access number, which is a powerful virtual telephone switchboard designed by telecom operators for enterprises and public institutions.

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  • 400 phone advantage

    Once you have it, you have it for life Unify the national access number, raise the unified image of the enterprise, establish a service brand;The number is easy to remember and spread, and the work flow is unchanged for life to improve customer satisfaction;Number one dial, no busy line, do not miss every business opportunity;The method of sharing payment effectively prevents malicious calls。

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  • 400 phone features

    An integrated marketing system targeting search engine rankings Virtual switchboard, enterprise RBT, IVR voice navigation full call recording, hanging up/missing SMS satisfaction evaluation, enterprise RBT, call blacklist marketing tool, data statistics, background management.............

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Internet basic business: domain name, cloud host, enterprise post office

Domain name, cloud host, VPS, server, cloud storage, cloud computing, enterprise mailbox, database......

  • 域名

    We offer all kinds of domain name registration and services The domain name should be related to the company name and brand, and the domain name that is easy to remember is conducive to the dissemination, so choose the Chinese pinyin or English spelling related to the company name and brand, or abbreviations and other spelling, and make the domain name as short as possible。Due to the principle of first-come-first-served domain name, it is necessary to register as early as possible to prevent others from squatting and malicious use, and protect the brand of the enterprise。

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  • 云主机

    Stable, safe, high speed, multi-line, domestic and foreign Provide strong hardware and network support for corporate websites at home, abroad and Hong Kong.......多地区。
    Provide host free record services to support a variety of languages, databases, you can be free to match the host environment you need as well as dedicated servers, vps, cloud hosting services。

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  • Enterprise mailbox

    Domestic famous enterprise post office 263 region agent Instant messaging efficient management of overseas forwarding unimpeded
    863 Intelligent anti-spam technology
    Super Mail Super function
    Professional engineer 7*24 hours service

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Etai | mobile terminal services

Whether your website is a business or a mall, we can make it easy for you,Click experience

  • More than 600 million mobile phone users

    Wechat marketing is a kind of enterprise marketing mode in the era of network economy。

    Mobile websiteDue to the limited screen size and CPU processing power of mobile phones, websites optimized for mobile phones are easier for users to navigate。This also puts a new requirement on website design: the website must adapt to mobile browsing。 wap websiteAs with the traditional Internet, enterprises to carry out wap network marketing, wap website is weaker than the general website, for pictures, but also need to build their own wap website。Although the expression of the form of animation is not enough, but the sparrow is small, the five organs are complete。

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  • Mobile wechat accounts for more than 500 million users

    Wechat marketing is a kind of enterprise marketing mode in the era of network economy。

    Wechat public platformThrough this platform, individuals and enterprises can create a wechat public account, and achieve a full range of text, pictures, voice communication and interaction with specific groups。 Public platform service numberIs an account type of public platform, designed to provide services for users。
    For example: China Merchants Bank。 Public platform subscription numberIt is an account type of public platform that provides information and information to users。
    For example: CCTV News。

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  • Make your website rank higher by SEO of Baidu and google natural ranking

    Marketing website

    Interactive marketing improves marketing effect

    Optimized website

    Search engine optimization improves exposure

    Wechat/mobile website

    Communicate at any time to improve sales conversion rates

  • Help small and medium-sized enterprises to comprehensively enhance the value of website marketing

    Cloud network customer to the cloud website in the form of corporate information issued enterprise supply and demand advertising, after review distributed to the high-weight platform, quickly included by the search engine, and ranked high。
    Cloud network customers will be corporate dynamics, in the form of Baidu news dissemination and promotion, more authoritative, quickly enhance brand influence。

  • 400 toll-free service number

    400 is a value-added voice service based on the intelligent network. The calling party and the called party share the communication fee。Can be transferred to any ten domestic landline and mobile phone, up to 1000 phones can be supported, so that your phone is never busy。
    To achieve the unity, standardization and convenience of corporate external publicity, and enhance the brand image。

  • China's top global postal enterprise post office

    Yitai Mailbox, with carrier-grade operational capabilities and professional leading mail technology, to ensure the accurate delivery of every business opportunity for users, the wise choice of corporate mailbox!
    Domestic mainstream mailbox: 263 mailbox, NetEase mailbox, Tencent mailbox, Mei Orange mailbox, 163 mailbox, Ali Cloud mailbox

Etai | the latest information recommended

Help you in the Internet, the more you know。

Zhang shop Taobao decoration

  •       Shop decoration for business has always been a hot topic, in the decoration of the meaning, the goal has been a lot of views, but whether it is a physical store or a shop, its as a cross

  •   1: Join Taobao, basic operation stage 1: complete Taobao shop process 2: Taobao version introduction, module introduction and operation, function module practice 3: baby release on the shelves, Taobao store background operation practice, modify the basic Settings of Taobao store 4: Choose Taobao shop style&nb

  •    Shop on first need to solve the problem of shop decoration, shop decoration is not done, promotion, promotion of these will not be able to go, shop decoration is like a person wearing clothes, you are not outstanding, can not attract attention to see you

  •    First of all, let's look at the classification of people doing Taobao, there are part-time, full-time, part-time work, etc., of which the majority of part-time Taobao, most of these part-time people are students or idle nothing to do, according to income, from zero income to tens of thousands of people。淘

  •    The quality of Taobao store decoration determines the sales volume and sales performance to a certain extent。Now many Taobao merchants are willing to spend a lot of money on Taobao decoration。Taobao store decoration has become a trend。Fashion trends have been changing, Zhang shop Taobao decoration

Marketing website
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